❑ PLANET STANDARDS CERTIFICATION ADVISORS ( PSCA) is one of the fastest growing standard certification & registration Advisors, offering consultation services to organizations of all nature and size, with vide product segments.
❑ PSCA provide one of the most comprehensive suites of consulting services, products & training in the fields of Product Certification, Registration, NABL etc. to the organizations across all the industry verticals for building a progressive and profitable organization by creating a sustainable competitive advantage in the market.
❑ PSCA mission is to provide effective, competitive, result oriented & practical business solutions to the organizations & to optimize their operational efficiency & return on investment.
- Simplification of split air conditioner & Packaged air Conditioner Certification by Inclusion of IDU & ODU Under Air Conditioner Certification Scheme.
- Change of BIS grouping guidlines for Temperature Sensing Controller as per IS 60730-2-9 which reduced the number of samples for testing and benefited manufactures.
- Inclusion of 16A,2pin plug under IS 1293:2019 and other changes through amendment NO.1 to IS 1293:2019.
- First global licence awarded to our cleint M/S Blue Star LTD for packaged air Conditioner AS per IS 8148 Without a Single Query.
- Successfully Conducted Training Programming on LQMS at Voltas Ltd., Fridabad as per IS/ISO 10725 IN JAN 2021.
- Proposed Changes in grouping guidlines for toys for covering catogeries other then listed in product manual.