BIS Certification for Footwear in India: A Must Know
Quality of Footwear is essential and thus BIS have charted important IS codes for Footwear, find below those codes

Understanding BIS – India’s National Standard Body

BIS is India’s National Standard Body, established under the BIS Act 2016 for the harmonious development of the activities of standardisation, marking, and quality certification of goods, and for matters connected with or incidental thereto. BIS has been providing traceability and tangibility benefits to the national economy in a number of ways, including providing safe, reliable quality goods, minimizing health hazards to consumers, and promoting exports and imports as a substitute

The role of BIS

Under the product certification scheme – I, BIS grants a licence to use the standard mark or a certificate of conformity in accordance with the conformity assessment schemes outlined in the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018. BIS Product Certification Schemes aim to provide Third Party assurance of product quality, safety, and dependability to customers.

The presence of the BIS certification mark, also known as the Standard Mark, on a product ensures conformity to the specifications. After determining conformity to the Standard, the manufacturer is permitted to self-certify the licenced products. Although the scheme is voluntary in nature, the Government of India has enforced compulsory certification on various products through Orders issued from time to time under various Acts on the basis of public health and safety, security, infrastructure requirements, and mass consumption.

Mandatory BIS Certification of Footwear:

  1. Leather and Footwear Order 3403 on dated 27th October 2020
  2. Leather and Footwear Order 3404 on dated 27th October 2020
  3. Leather and Footwear Order 3406 on dated 27th October 2020

Important IS Marks and their Purpose

How does professional assistance help your company?

Any business performs at its maximum efficiency when time, money, and resources are managed properly. BIS certification for any product is a complex and time-consuming process that begins with product development and validation and continues throughout the BIS certification process.

The entire process could take up about 3 months to complete and even small gaps of knowledge could delay the whole process. Seeking professional help for BIS certification can help you save a lot of time, money, and resources.

PLANET STANDARDS CERTIFICATION ADVISORS (PSCA) is one of the fastest growing standard certification & registration Advisors, providing consultation services to organisations of all sizes and types, across a wide range of product segments.

We offer one of the most comprehensive suites of consulting services, products, and training in the fields of Product Certification, Registration, Homologation, and so on to organisations across all industry verticals in order to help them build a progressive and profitable organisation by establishing a sustainable competitive advantage over competitors.

NOTE: Footwear QCOs we’re extended and would be mandatory from July 2022 unless extended further

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