MANDATORY TESTING & CERTIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ( MTCTE) – Covers all equipment’s capable of being connected to INDIAN TELECOM NETWORK Certification process endeavors to encourage:
that any telecom equipment does not degrade performance of existing network to which it is connected; safety of the end–users; protection of users and general public by ensuring that radio frequency emissions from equipment do not exceed prescribed standards; that telecom equipment complies with the relevant national and international regulatory standards and requirements.
Any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)/ importer/ dealer who wishes to sell or import any telecom equipment in India, shall have to obtain Certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) and mark or affix the equipment with appropriate Certification label
General Certification Scheme (GCS)
Under this scheme, applicant shall be required to submit test wise compliance along with test reports, in respect of parameters included in ERs, from any designated CAB or recognized CAB of MRA partner country. The test results shall be evaluated for compliance against respective ERs.Simplified Certification Scheme (SCS)
Under this scheme, applicant has to submit a test wise compliance sheet, along with a Self-Declaration of Conformity (SDoC), in respect of parameters included in ERs.WPC – IMPORT LICENSE​
Any equipment, which works on regulated bandwidth & are cable of connecting to Indian telecom Network , requires a Import License from Wireless Permit Control, Department of Telecommunication, this is applicable both for imported goods and india manufactured goods. this is Model wise/ quantity based license, the validity of the license is for 6 months. Any equipment which require Import license, first ETA has to be obtained, then apply for Import License along with copy of ETA.
Documents Requirements:-
- ETA Approval from Telecom.
- Product catalogue.
- RF test reports
Any equipment, which works on notified bandwidth & are cable of connecting to Indian telecom Network , requires one time approval from Department of telecommunication. Equipment Type approvals are given for each model, this is applicable both for imported goods and india manufactured goods.
Document Requirements:-
- Product catalogue.
- RF test reports
The Government of India felt the need for a permanent agency to expedite the publication of standards and development of test facilities in parallel when the work on the preparation of the standards is going on, as the development of improved safety critical parts can be undertaken only after the publication of the standard and commissioning of test facilities. To this end, the Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) has constituted a permanent Automotive Industry Standard Committee (AISC) vide order No.RT-11028/11/97-MVL dated September 15, 1997. The standards prepared by AISC will be approved by the permanent CMVR Technical Standing Committee (CTSC). After approval, the Automotive Research Association of India, (ARAI), Pune, being the secretariat of the AIS Committee, has published this standard. For better dissemination of this information ARAI may publish this document on their Web site. The CMVR stipulates requirements that various safety critical components shall comply with notified standards to ensure the safe functioning of automotive vehicles. As per the present provisions in CMVR, this is ensured at the time of certification of a model by the Test Agencies followed by a self-certification by the vehicle manufacturers on an on-going basis. However, a need is felt to bring in a better control on this important issue. There is also a need to bring about a control on the use of such safety critical components made available in the after-market also, which the CMVR does not address at present. It is necessary, therefore, to have a marking scheme for safety critical components specified in CMVR.